Jane Ket Studio Web design

A positive, joyful web design for a free motion embroiderer.

Take a look at the site

What Jane Needed.

Jane produces a fantastic range of hand made, hand stitched products which she currently sells on Etsy. As her business has grown over the last few years she was in a position to create an online e-commerce platform to sell her produce directly. The brief was to create a website that could be used to as a shop, a showcase of her upcoming events and also needed to be scalable in future to integrate a blog and other features.

How I helped.

Jane's website was designed from the ground up including the creation of initial static designs without pre-designed templates allowing the greatest flexibility and personalisation. the results were based on discussions and discovery sessions (over cups of coffee of course). The Brand style that Jane already had in place was adhered to closely during the design process and elements from her printed materials, such as the Polaroid style image containers and stitched borders, were added to the design. The website includes an easy to use content management system for easy client updates and a tailored e-commerce solution that is scaleable as Jane's business grows.

Let's chat about a website made just for you.

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