The Ceramic Button.

A whimsical and magical design for Claire, who produces hand made porcelain keepsakes.

What Claire Needed.

Claire's previous logo and brand wasn't working as well as it could and didn't reflect Claire's ambitions and the quality of her work. A new brand identity was needed to really pull everything together and reflect the character and tone of voice of the products Claire makes.

How I helped.

Concept development, Logo Design, Colour palette, Typography, Custom Illustration, Animation.

Logo design

The logo is a bespoke, hand drawn word mark inspired by a whimsical fairytale aesthetic. The idea is that it could almost be seen on the cover of an antique book. It's design allows it to work alongside custom illustration and also animated for use on the web and in social media.

The identity

The identity focuses on a whimsical style and is backed up with a lightharted illustrative style. Each illustration can be rearranged to create unique and bespoke patterns depending on the design requirements. The colour pallette and typography were chosen to amplify the sense of whimsy and carry the tone of voice through every aspect of the brand.

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