Sue Welfare. Artist & Printmaker

I timeless design for a printmaker inspired by the natural world.

What Sue Needed.

A brand identity to showcase the contemporary linocut prints which Sue creates. The design needed to appeal to the high end of the market.

How I helped

Concept development, Logo Design, Colour palette, Typography, Custom Illustration, Animation.

Logo design

The logo needed to be clean, timeless and useable in various applications including as a maker's mark. The icon takes inspiration from Sue's favourite subject matter of birds and combines it subtly with her initials to create a unique design that Sue can call her own and which her audience could become familiar.

The identity

The identity focuses on the style associated with the higher end of the art market. A simple, natural colour palette using flood colours is combined with a carefully selected typeface that is reminiscent of the cuts made when using linocut tools. The result is an identity that reflects the quality of Sue's work. An orange accent colour is added sparingly to abstract illustrative marks and used to add vibrancy and contrast — adding some of the boldness of Sue's work to the identity.

Let's chat about finding the spark in your business.

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