The little shop of creativity

A lively, welcoming brand identity design for an art therapy workshop.

What Ren Needed

A brand identity that would capture a friendly and approachable feel for her new Art based therapy workshop. The aim was to create something that would appeal across a broad range of people and invite them to take part in various art based workshops for all ages and abilities. Budget was also of importance.

How I helped

Concept development, Logo Design, Colour palette, Typography, Custom Illustration, Animation.

Logo design

The logo is a mixture on three elements. First the shape of the brain references art therapy and mindfulness, second the shape of a paint palette alludes to art itself and third, a speech bubble represents the idea of community and communication.


I created custom matisse-inspired paper cut illustrations to give a sense of fun, craft and accessibility to beginners. The illsutrative style was also something that Ran could reproduce herself, which would help in terms of budget for future graphic design. The brand needed to convey a sense of art as something anyone can do for therapy and relaxation, appealing to a broad spectrum of people. The brand elements needed to exude a sense of fun and creativity and so a diverse colour palette was used along with a distinctive typeface which has a hand cut feel and quirky letterforms.

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