Enyo Race Team

A contemporary, gritty brand for a Triathlon Team.

What Nick Needed.

Mock needed an identity that would resonate with potential members of his Triathlon Training Team. The identity needed to have a contemporary feel and have a strong positive, determined energy. The logo and other elements had to work across all media including on garments.

How I helped.

Concept development, Logo Design, Colour palette, Typography, uniform design.

Logo design.

The Enyo Logo design takes the idea of unity, movement speed and also, through the 'E' letter form which is bsed to the Greek E character, as well as a road or tack.

The Identity.

The identity focuses on power, speed, determination and solidarity between team mates. Dark blue is used to show seriousness while the bright red accent colour creates energy and constrast.

Let's chat about finding the spark in your business.

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